Frequently Requested & Open To Member Discussion
1. MARKET ENTRY, DEVELOPMENT, AND LAUNCH OF YOUR BUSINESS, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICE INTO CHINA This seminar will cover substantial issues concerning this subject including: • Readiness of your products and business for China • Analysis of project viability • Due diligence considerations • Partners • Investors • Distributors and inter-china distribution issues • Licensing evaluations • Chinese “Quanxi” relationships • Competitors and competitive advantages • Costs • Business strategies • Risks • Benefits • Operational considerations • Laws & regulation requirements • Understanding demand • Managing capacity • Inventory • Intellectual property issues • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Reliability of due diligence information? • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? 2. PREMARKET RESEARCH & DUE DILIGENCE. This seminar delivers the inside information on everything you need to know before selling into China, before investing your hard earned money, before trusting anyone to do what they say they will. This seminar is directly focused on pre-market research, and how to do it, on target markets, with a discussion on many topics including: • Technology • Demographics • Cities and their differences • Products • Analysis of project viability • Partner decisions • Pricing • Marketing • Business modeling • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Reliability of due diligence information? • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? • Competitive advantages • Operational considerations • “New mouse versus Better mouse” opportunities, and • Government licensing and the process. 3. CHINA’S TALENT, EXPERIENCE, & WORK FORCE. This TMC seminar brings you the rarely before seen truth about hiring, firing, and leadership considerations when doing business in china. This program will discuss: • Talent and defining it • Educational levels and their impact on your business • Sales performance models and what is unique is China • Operational management issues • Project management of processes and talent • Incentivizing • Universities • Marketing • Advertising • Inducements that matter • Corporate culture adaptation • Creating expectations • Mistakes and the china culture issues to resolve • Year end reviews • Creating loyalty and avoiding ship jumping en masse • Where you find the best and brightest among 1.4 billion people. • Training values and strategies • Being a great coach • Creating leaders! • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! TMC will teach you how to recalibrate your entire thinking process of management and training using behind the scenes knowledge and street smarts for China while at the same time maximizing your communication strategies to effectively accomplish your results and reduce mistakes. Training leadership and people skills through your experience is the key to success and overcoming 5000 years of top down conformist management history TMC will show you how. 4. RAISING MONEY FOR YOUR COMPANY WITH CHINESE INVESTORS THROUGH EB-5. Banks aren’t lending, investors are drying up, and money supply is tight internationally. What should you do to capitalize your company? EB-5 can be the solution! TMC takes you through the investment opportunity of the U.S. government EB-5 investment program and shows you exactly what the foreign investor likes and what the obligations on your part are for success. Each investment is $500,000.00 or more so you need to understand this program. In addition, TMC will discuss various types of business verticals that are popular with EB-5 investors as well as current deals working and those to stay away from. 5. LICENSES AND LICENSING IN CHINA: ARE YOU READY FOR ALL YOU DO NOT KNOW? This seminar is intense and necessary for all those persons and companies looking to engage China with a licensing deal or partnership for your products or services. You will hear the stories and understanding how to do this from the front lines only two decades of experience can bring you. America and China are polar opposites in how they conduct the licensing business as an industry with so many important variables impacting your business. Some of the featured elements of this program will focus on: • What are the principle legal considerations and requirements under Chinese law? • Are there cultural mandatory terms for legal contracts? • Are there business norm terms for all contracts? • Does it matter if the rules and laws come from Central, provincial, or municipal Governments and why? • What are the different political considerations? • Which media platform do you want to get involved with such as advertising, television, internet, cell phones, and what are those laws and considerations? • How do you negotiate terms and understandings without the Chinese having any reference points from the USA? • Who and how will you distribute products? • Does it matter if your licensing agreements are written or oral? • Can you enforce your licensing agreement and if so, where and under what laws and remedies? • Government contracts versus private deals, what are the legal differences and the impact on your business? • International distribution versus inter-china distribution? • Partner issues and big issues to look out for. • Sales force considerations • Investor issues both USA and Chinese. • Analysis of project viability • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Reliability of due diligence information? • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? • Potential Intellectual property concerns to look out for. • Understanding legal risks versus benefits. • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! Key licensing industries will be analyzed with a direct discussion on media topics including television, internet, videos online, cell phone content, broadcasting, and satellite and cable opportunities. Key expectations must be managed including discussions about: • Royalties • License fees • Accountings • Copyrights • Trademarks • Infringements are their risks • Remedies • Market due diligence and costs of implementation • Licensing versus out right sales, is one better than the other? • “Quanxi” relationships, • Competitors • Business strategies • Understanding demand for your licensed product? • Limited versus exclusive • Lose your assumptions! • Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! The art of mis-communication. 6. KEY BUSINESS ANALYSIS/QUESTIONS WHEN EVALUATING DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA, REGARDLESS OF INDUSTRY, PRODUCT, OR SERVICE: TMC will discuss the top business issues within the realities of conflicting frameworks of doing business in China as well as the distinct culture clashes between western and Chinese thinking on contracts and business obligations. What are the rules, who follow them, does government matter and which level impacts you the most? What are your strategies for partners? We will consider: o Markets o Current demand versus creating demand o Partners, USA or China o Growth opportunity o Define product clearly so you and the Chinese understand it. o I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. o Competition in USA and China o Intellectual properties? Issues? o Analysis of project viability o Product ready to go or needs development and if so, at what cost and how long till market ready? o Marketing in China. Do you understand what can and cannot be done? Partners? Costs? o Distribution opportunity? Restrictions? o Brand identity? How will raise the consumer awareness? Partners? o Does product or service resolve an issue or problem for the Chinese? o Is there anything fundamentally educational about it or that the Government will understand betters their people or country? o How will you be paid? Be clear on currency and repatriation issues. o Who are your customers? Loyalty to others? Chinese companies? o Operational issues. Who is in charge? o Translators. Don’t mess this up! Pay the money for the best! o Cash flow issues. o Investor and rate of return issues o Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: Chinese terms versus USA understandings. Do they work? Implied Value? Net value? Enforceable and where? Injunctions and court involvement? Irreparable injuries and damages in general. Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! o Chinese transparency issues with accountings o Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? o Do You Know Which Legal Entity to form When Doing Business in China? Do You Know The Ramifications Of Each? o Legal considerations, capital registration requirements, enforceability issues, and strategies when drafting legal entity documents: Joint ventures Partnerships Foreign subsidiaries WFOE o Reliability of due diligence information? o Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? 7. OUTSOURCING BUSINESS TO CHINA: IS THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY AND AT WHAT COST? This seminar leans on the good and bad of this opportunity from both the USA and China perspective and will include: • What does it mean to outsource? • Top issues to look for at the outset. • Language issues really matter! • Do I need a local rep in China? • Is low cost your only objective? • What about quality and quality control? • Loading dock issues • Different categories of outsourcing • Time commitment by you, what is realistic? • Chinese holidays impact timing always • What to know and what to avoid? • Industries the Chinese prefer • What about manufacturing versus service issues. • True impact of the Chinese business culture and differences with the USA in understanding what both sides mean by outsourcing. • Laws, regulations, and deal terms you must understand before your begin. • Who are your partners • Trading companies versus factory direct? • State owned factories versus private, which is better? • Timing of production? • Timing of shipping and delivery? • Chinese customs • Defective products? • Meeting specifications in a contract. • Analysis of project viability • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Reliability of due diligence information? • Quality guarantees? • Risk management • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? • What are some principle Chinese Government ideas that conflict with USA ideas • What about the impact of culture issues and understandings that will make or break your successes. • What are the barriers, where are they, can you “see” them or should you get good at ducking? • Terms with manufacturers. • Site inspections, are they necessary? • Should I hire a professional China Sourcing company? • Attending Chinese tradeshow, is this necessary? • Paying them and when? • Can you get around problems or work with them? • I.P. control issues especially with license fees, accountings, copyrights, and trademarks • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! • Do you understand Chinese banking and repatriation of money? Ignore this issue at great peril to your money. • Investment versus capital contribution issues and how the Chinese see this can make you successful or put you under quickly. • Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! The art of mis-communication. 8. BRANDING, CO-BRANDING, & SALES TO THE 1.4 BILLION CHINESE CONSUMERS. This seminar program will explore in details whether you have what they want and are you ready for the realities of this venture? TMC will discuss differences between Branding and loyalty and how they relate to your bottom line revenues. Key components of this mentoring will include: • Analyzing whether you truly offer a unique value proposition and differentiators • Are your ideas and branding able to intersect with established Chinese culture and consumerism? • How do the Chinese see branding? • Will your idea or brand impact the Chinese Culture and is this good or bad from the Chinese viewpoint? • Losing your American viewpoint is not easy. • Are there established industries for your brand and will the leaders want to work with you or put you out of business? • I.P. issues and risks Are you too American? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Is there a true merchandising opportunity for you and if so, what cities? • Luxury brands versus unknown and their various costs. • What level of due diligence do you need and how do you do it? • Evaluation of partners, investors, distributors and licensees • Brand competitive advantages or disadvantages to consider • Business branding strategies • International distribution versus inter-china distribution? • Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! The art of mis-communication. 9. CHINA CULTURE, ETIQUETTE AND THE TOP TIPS FOR DAY TO DAY BUSINESS IN CHINA. This seminar program is not just informative but fun and creative with from the trenches, the front line, stories that will leave you laughing and making sure you do not makes these mistakes. This event will take you into day to day observations from the street with real life situations that will occur. TMC will focus on the business culture in China so you will feel and understand the surreal world of Chinese etiquette which is essential for your success. TMC will cover: • USA versus China distinctions in work ethics, philosophies, and “normal” practices. • Culture clashes, do you even know what that means, and how to accept them with grace and humor. • “Normal” daily terms and understandings from a Chinese point of view. “Normal” American terms that the Chinese will not understand. • Passports • Visas • Credit cards • Health & medicines • Currency purchases • Cell phones • Airports in China • Baggage claims • Language issues • Taxis • Trains • Hotels • Restaurants • Information help • Shopping • Walking • Weather • Internet • Tipping • Cuisine • Signs • Public restrooms and street restrooms • Gifts • Night life! And the most important consideration of all, Guanxi and Chinese Face, and what it means to your success. 10. LEGAL ISSUES AND CONTRACTS INVOLVING AMERICAN AND CHINESE BUSINESSES. The semimar program is intended to help you understand the most critical legal issues you will confront when negotiating contracts and is an excellent program for attorneys and non-attorneys alike. TMC will delve into: • What are the crucial contract terms and how do the Chinese negotiate? • What does your attorney have to understand? • How contracts are viewed in Chinese culture and how does that compare to the United States or Europe? • Chinese law and Confucian philosophies. What does this mean and why do you care? • Codified law, criminal sanctions, and the world of harmony with social control through moral education. Do you even know what this means? • Are there unique strategies with Chinese contracts not consistent with Americans? • How do you create a win-win result in Chinese negotiations over contract terms? • Do you know the hidden Culture clashes between USA and China in legal and business philosophies? • Do industries matter in your contracts? • Government versus private contracts? • What are the landmines concerning contract negotiation and development. • How do you negotiate legal terms and understandings without the Chinese having any reference points from the USA and our normal legal terms? • What are some of those “Normal” American terms? • Contracts enforceability. Really? Where? • Hong Kong or Mainland as a source of resolution venue? • Legal risks and opportunities in general. • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! • Lose your legal assumptions from the USA or you will have major legal problems. • Understanding the legal environment with front line experience. • Understanding legal risks versus benefits. • Investments and consequences, good and bad. • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Do You Know Which Legal Entity to form When Doing Business in China? Do You Know The Ramifications Of Each? • Legal considerations, capital registration requirements, enforceability issues, and strategies when drafting legal entity documents: o Joint ventures o Partnerships o Foreign subsidiaries o WFOE 11. CRITICAL BUSINESS LAUNCH STRATEGIES FOR CHINA: PHASES ONE AND TWO. This seminar will go into detailed analysis on pre and post launch correct thinking. Your PHASE ONE business thinking must fully evaluate: • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Reliability of due diligence information? • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? • Products and China competitors to watch for • Partner sourcing • Brands and differentiators • Pricing models that may work in the USA but not in China • Sales and performance models to consider • Distribution and its myriad of issues to deal with and work into your business models • Consumer buying environment • Profit models • Analysis of project viability • Marketing strategies • Quanxi. • Talent hiring and loyalty • Do you know which legal entity to form when doing business in china? Do you know the ramifications of each? • Legal considerations, capital registration requirements, enforceability issues, and strategies when drafting legal entity documents: o Joint ventures o Partnerships o Foreign subsidiaries o WFOE Your business thinking for PHASE TWO must evaluate: • Translators. This is beyond critical for you to fully understand or you will never be successful in China • Partner meetings and what is not said that you must understand. • Contract and business discussions and philosophies • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! • Meaning and importance of sample requests • Delivery terminology and timing • Visiting the sites • Understanding capacity • Understanding maximizing efficiency • Avoiding waste • Increasing value of your company without downgrading services/products. 12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (“IP”) ISSUES IN CHINA. Though other TMC seminar programs consider I.P. in their programs, this event is solely focused on all that you will encounter when bringing your I.P. to China. TMC will analyze the most important aspects of this process including: • Royalties • License fees • Accountings and what your realistic expectations should be. • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Copyrights • Trademarks • Infringements and understanding if the risks are worth the benefits? • What are your remedies? • Legal registration requirements and entities you must deal with and understand. • Partners, good and bad • Government versus private issues? • Legal concerns with investors. • How do you negotiate legal terms and understandings without the Chinese having any reference points from the USA? • “Normal” legal terms from a Chinese point of view will confuse you.sus benefits. • Can you protect your I.P. assets? • What are transfer asset agreements? • Exclusivity versus non-exclusivity deals • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! • How do you value your I.P.? • What about joint venture agreements and registration of your I.P. in China to determine your percentage ownership. Do you care? • Who is selling your I.P.? Do you care? • Sales within China and those outside of China. • Control issues to be aware of? 13. DEVELOPING PARTNERS AND STRATEGIC ALLIANCES IN CHINA AND THE TRUE MEANING OF GUANXI: This seminar will zero in on one of the most critical cornerstones of your success, or not, in doing business in China: The value of the right strategic alliances and partners. Understanding the thinking process in China and its 5000 year history of doing business is not easy and takes the right partners and alliances both private and Government. You are not going to change their thinking so you need to focus and acclimate to their ways or deals will never get done. TMC will focus on • What is your investment tolerance and how often can you travel? • Face to face development of the relationships\ • Email and phone calls value • Chinese traveling to see you • Due diligence on partner sourcing • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Reliability of due diligence information? • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? • Partner investment issues. • Analysis of project viability • Capital registration investments • Chinese investment expectations on you. • Risks versus opportunities • Sales • Profits defined • Expenses and recoupment • Accountings from the Chinese view point • Sponsorships • Strategic alliances and use of their brands • Local versus national partners and alliances • Distribution of products and shared responsibilities • Hiring and firing issues • Getting paid • Joint ventures and other legal options • Competition with other potential partners • Size of companies • History and references • Internet research….or not • Branding issues • I.P. considerations • Technology transfer agreements 14. TRIALS AND LITIGATION REGARDING CHINA ISSUES. DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN AND WHAT TO ANALYZE AS YOUR END GAME? This seminar is a must for your complete understanding of disputes and their resolutions when doing business in China. Lawyers are clearly at risk if they do not advise their clients correctly but as a client you should be asking the right questions so this program benefits attorneys and individuals alike. TMC will cover issues about: • Litigation • Mediation • Arbitration • Trials • Mainland China issues • Hong Kong issues • Other venues • Contract terms that are critical to negotiate • What does breach mean to the Chinese? • Which laws apply? • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! • Case studies matter so you can anticipate so we will discuss them. • Contract translations and their importance; the good, the bad, and the nightmare! • “ICC” arbitration is critical so you need to understand the legal benefits when using this European organization in China. • Understanding the China court system….or not! Will you be “hometowned”? Yes!? Should you even consider the Chinese court system or focus on arbitration? Where and why? • Chinese law, while focusing on codified law and criminal sanction, still incorporates traditional elements of law based on Confucian philosophy of social control through moral education. Do you know what this means and how you can protect your interest? 15. INFOMERCIALS: DO YOU HAVE THE NEXT GREAT IDEA THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR? WHERE YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IN CHINA AND HOW: This seminar will show you the Chinese perspective on infomercials, what they sell, how they sell, and what they won’t buy? China has their own model on infomercials and their own understanding of what the term means. Are you ready for the China way of selling? TMC will show you key factors to consider including: • Defining what is an infomercial? • How long will it run and how often? • Where do they run the show? What are the television companies you must know? • What are the internet players you must engage? • Costs • Possible revenues • Call centers • Fulfillment issues • Customer service….or not • Marketing firms • Joint ventures for manufacturing • What is the production process? • Who purchases and what are they purchasing? • Gender and age statistics. • Price points versus retail shopping? • Payments and returned items. • Solving problems? • Making life easier? • Broad appeal to the masses or more targeted? • TV shows development • Distribution issues. • Can you negotiate TV time costs? • Public perceptions. • Government oversight. • Co-production legal terms and negotiable aspects versus non-negotiable aspects. • Contracts with no reference points from the USA? • Trademark and other I.P. issues • What are “Normal” legal terms from a Chinese point of view? • Chinese media and censorship to recognize quickly 16. AMERICAN MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT: WHAT DO THE CHINESE REALLY WANT TO SEE AND PAY FOR? The seminar program will hit the nuts and bolts of Media, China, and what you need to know to engage them with your products or services. This program will cover: • What are the money making industries and how do you get started? • Do you have what the Chinese consumers want? • Where are the business and money sources for American companies? • What are the most popular media platforms for development and where are the trends for the 1.4 billion Chinese consumers? • What are the basic legal structures and a variety of Chinese legal terms that are mandatory but changing often? • How do you negotiate legal terms and understandings without the Chinese having any reference points from the USA? • What are “Normal” legal terms from a Chinese point of view? • What type of television is popular? • What about live performances? • I.P. content and protections • Censorship considerations • What are the business models for doing business in China with the internet, television broadcasting/cable/satellite television, cell phone content, musicals, gaming, publishing, children’s content, animation and live action shows? • Who are the main players to work with or not? • Partnerships with the Government and private industries, good or bad? • Risks and opportunities can make strange bed fellows in China. • Media distribution concerns and patterns? • What about merchandising, can you do it and how? • What costs are real? • What revenues are based on? • Can you pull off a USA China co-productions and how? • Royalties and licensing issues • What about joint ventures and all those issues? • Assumptions you need to lose • Understanding legal risks versus benefits. • What government entities do you need to know about that will affect your success? 17. THE INTERNET AND CELL PHONE INDUSTRIES OF CHINA. ARE YOU READY TO BRING AMERICAN CONTENT AND BUSINESS SAVVY TO THE GREAT WALL? This seminar will take you into the real business aspects of working with the Chinese internet world and the key players you must deal with to be successful. This seminar is very unique and targets those with an entertainment and content creator drive to see whether your content can be developed and launched in the world’s largest consumer market. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Co-production deals. Are you ready for an USA China co-production deal and all that it entails? • Essential partner considerations you must understand. • Censorship issues and Government barriers • What about talent? We will discuss in detail deals with Chinese talent versus American and the effect that choice has on the markets and investors in China. • Do you understand the depth, or lack of, internet skill sets in China and what they are themselves producing? • How good is their talent and how much knowledge and depth do they have? • What are demands of the Investors? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Will the Chinese Government invest with you? • Will private investors invest with you? • What does a co-investment deal look like? • Does timing matter? Is this the right time for your venture in China? • Are you ready to offer your content to 1.4 billion people? • What are the Costs and projected revenues? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Analysis of project viability • Case studies to learn from 18. TELEVISION BROADCASTING, SATELLITE, CABLE AND THE ITPV INDUSTRIES OF CHINA This seminar will take you into the often mercurial and confusing world of China television deals, licensing, content creation, approval processes, and production for the China markets. This seminar targets those with a television content focus and those wishing to take that content to 1.4 billion consumers. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Co-production deals. Are you ready for an USA China co-production deal and all that it entails? • Content for children and adult markets? • Essential partner considerations you must understand • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Analysis of project viability. • Censorship issues and Government barriers • What about talent? How good is it? We will discuss in detail deals with Chinese talent versus American and the effect that choice has on the markets and investors in China. • Do you understand the depth, or lack of, internet skill sets in China and what they are themselves producing? • What are demands of the Investors? • Will the Chinese Government invest with you? • Will private investors invest with you? • What does a co-investment deal look like? • Does timing matter? Is this the right time for your venture in China? • Are you ready to offer your content to 1.4 billion people? • What are the costs and projected revenues? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Case studies to learn from 19. TOP TIPS FOR SUCCESSFULLY DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA: This seminar will focus on the surface level of many topics that you need to know and understand. The TMC emphasis will be on the top tips for doing business in China based on the day to day real life interactions you will face. TMC will illustrate examples of good and bad methods of doing business with: • Market entry understandings. • Best industries to focus on for sales or partnerships • Best industries to avoid • Best cities to work in and why • Understanding levels of Government and their impact on your business • Having clear contract terms. • Misunderstandings versus intentional acts. • Written versus oral contracts. • Conflicts of interest? • Cutting corners • Following the rules and regulations • Analysis of project viability and partner sourcing. • Problem searching versus resolving. • Making assumptions • Understanding reference points • Getting paid • Protecting I.P. transfer issues. • Understanding how the Chinese see the deal and the terms. • Finding talent and keeping it with loyalty • Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! The art of mis-communication. 20. STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS IN CHINA. ARE YOU READY? QUESTIONS AND ISSUES TO CONSIDER: This seminar will focus a bit more directly on the process of starting your own business in the China market to sell to the Chinese 1.4 billion consumers. TMC will discuss and walk you through: • Guanxi and its meaning within the China relationships history • Regulatory issues you need to think about • Legal issues to think about regardless of industry • Location of business? • Partners. • Financial expectations from USA and China viewpoints. • Investors, will they invest with you and why? • Market entry and penetration strategies and concerns? • Co-production agreements. • Whom do you trust and why? • Your commitment of time and money versus the Chinese thinking on this. • Brand development. • Chinese culture and decision making issues. Independent thought versus conformity and consensus. • Translators and communication in general. • I.P. issues such as, royalties, license fees, accountings and what your realistic expectations should be. Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements. What are your remedies? • What government entities do you need to know about that will affect your success? • Do You Know Which Legal Entity to form When Doing Business in China? Do You Know The Ramifications Of Each? • Legal considerations, capital registration requirements, enforceability issues, and strategies when drafting legal entity documents: o Joint ventures o Partnerships o Foreign subsidiaries o WFOE • Etiquette issues that are important day one. • Market conditions • Economy revenue • Market share • Productivity and profits. • Do you understand Chinese “customer service”? • Analysis of project viability • Partner sourcing. • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! 21. PRODUCING, DIRECTING, CREATING BROADWAY MUSICALS IN CHINA FOR THE CHINA AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETS This seminar will take you into the world of live performances in China and will focus on the Broadway style musical and all of the issues with such a production. This seminar is very unique and targets those with the ability to write or produce music in this genre or represent talent in this field or those wishing to explore new ideas for musicals that might attract Chinese investors and artists. This event is often combined the touring program to maximize potential revenues and costs understanding. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Co-production deals. Are you ready for an USA China co-production deal and all that it entails? • Essential partner considerations you must understand. • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Censorship issues and Government barriers • What about talent? We will discuss in detail deals with Chinese talent versus American and the effect that choice has on the markets and investors in China. • What musicals are performed in China? History of foreign versus locally produced. • Do you understand the depth, or lack of, internet skill sets in China and what they are themselves producing? • How good is their talent and how much knowledge and depth do they have? • What are demands of the Investors? • Will the Chinese Government invest with you? • Will private investors invest with you? • What does a co-investment deal look like? • Does timing matter? Is this the right time for your venture in China? • Are you ready to offer your content to 1.4 billion people? • Analysis of project viability • What are the Costs and projected revenues? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Case studies to learn from 22. IMPORT/EXPORT LAWS AND CONSIDERATIONS: The seminar leans on the process of importing from China and the exporting to China and emphasizes the most important issues you will face with both. TMC will present this as an opportunity that needs a close scrutiny from the China perspective and will include: • Top issues to look for at the outset. • Language issues really matter! • Analysis of project viability • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? • What are some principle Chinese Government ideas that conflict with USA ideas • Do I need a local rep in China? • Risk management • What about the impact of culture issues and understandings that will make or break your successes. • What are the barriers, where are they, can you “see” them or should you get good at ducking? • Is low cost your only objective? • What about quality and quality control? • Loading dock issues • Different categories of imports and exports and different laws • Time commitment by you, what is realistic? • Chinese holidays impact timing always • What to know and what to avoid? • Industries the Chinese prefer • What about manufacturing versus service issues. • True impact of the Chinese business culture and differences with the USA in understanding what both sides mean by their terms • Laws, regulations, and deal terms you must understand before your begin. • Who are your partners • Trading companies versus factory direct? • State owned factories versus private, which is better? • Timing of production? • Timing of shipping and delivery? • Chinese customs • Defective products? • Meeting specifications in a contract. • Reliability of due diligence information? • Quality guarantees? • Terms with manufacturers. • Site inspections, are they necessary? • Should I hire a professional China Sourcing company? • Attending Chinese tradeshow, is this necessary? • Paying them and when? • Can you get around problems or work with them? • I.P. control issues especially with license fees, accountings, copyrights, and trademarks • Confidentiality And Non-Compete Agreements: o Chinese terms versus USA understandings. o Do they work? o Implied Value? o Net value? o Enforceable and where? o Injunctions and court involvement? o Irreparable injuries and damages in general. o Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! • Do you understand Chinese banking and repatriation of money? Ignore this issue at great peril to your money. • Investment versus capital contribution issues and how the Chinese see this can make you successful or put you under quickly. • Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! The art of mis-communication 23. INVESTING IN CHINA AND WITH THE CHINESE: THE ROLLER COASTER RIDE: Investing in China for your company or theirs is unique with important China culture issues to be aware of. This seminar program will focus exclusively on such investment issues and hopes to show critical differences in the way both cultures think including: • Investment or friendship from a Chinese point of view? • Why friendships matters • Capital investing • Operational investing • Co-investing • Defining profits • Defining sales • Defining costs and recoupment’s • Timing of distributions • What about currency valuations • Currency repatriation rules and amounts • Government viewpoints depend on local versus central. • Controlling your investments and investors • Restrictions on investments depending on industry. • Expectations on USA side versus Chinese side…….wide gap. • Viability issues and where the deal falls apart or stands on good footing. • Legal strategies from the trenches with top points to consider before starting. • Case studies on the evolution of deals from start to the end and the roller coaster ride in between. • Companies to know for survival and power structure. • Translators, the good, the bad, and the nightmare! The art of mis-communication. • Do You Know Which Legal Entity to form When Doing Business in China? Do You Know The Ramifications Of Each? • Legal considerations, capital registration requirements, enforceability issues, and strategies when drafting legal entity documents: o Joint ventures o Partnerships o Foreign subsidiaries o WFOE 24. PRODUCING, TOURING, AND DEVELOPMENT OF LIVE PERFORMING EVENTS FOR THE CHINA MARKETS. This seminar program will take you into the world live performances in China and will cover many industries including musicals, rock concerts, pop music, live television events, live theater/plays. This event is very unique and targets those with entertainment and theatrical drive to see whether your show can be developed, toured, and launched in the world’s largest consumer market. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Co-production deals. Are you ready for an USA China co-production deal and all that it entails? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Essential partner considerations you must understand. • What about talent? We will discuss in detail deals with Chinese talent versus American or European and the effect that choice has on the markets and investors in China. • Broadway style musicals. Do you understand the depth, or lack of, Broadway style musicals in China and what they are themselves producing? • How good is their talent and how much knowledge and depth do they have? • Analysis of project viability • What are demands of the Investors? • Will the Chinese Government invest with you? • Will private investors invest with you? • What does a co-investment deal look like? • Does timing matter? Is this the right time for your venture in China? • Are you ready to take your show on a tour of 1.4 billion people? • What are the Costs and revenues? • Legal requirements for due diligence in China for any contracts to be signed. How do you do this? • Reliability of due diligence information? • Legal research capacity or lack thereof in china? • Who can you trust for legal aspects of your deal? • What about theatre qualities or lack thereof? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Case studies to learn from 25. MULTI LEVEL BUSINESS AND FRANCHISING: A COMPARISON FOR SUCCESS OR FAILURE: Some industries are easier to understand for the Chinese and easier to see how revenues are earned. MLM and Franchising are two such industries since the Chinese are so familiar with the concepts through McDonalds and all the American fast food chains. This is a real opportunity in China. This seminar program will discuss case studies past and present so you can see success and failure and most importantly, the best way forward. Main issues will include: • Advantages of both with comparisons • Disadvantages of both with comparisons • Applicable Chinese laws, rules, and customs • Trade secrets to think about • Start up costs • Pyramid scheme versus real business models with products to sell • Time commitments • Targeted markets • Marketing plans • USA company support • Inventory controls and buy backs • Earning money and keeping it • Owning your own business and independence • Recruiting Chinese workers • Retail outlets competition • Networking from a Chinese perspective • Commissions • Raiding issues and protecting of down lines. • Analysis of project viability • Investors • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. 26. PRODUCING AND CREATING ANIMATION AND ANIMATION FILMS OR TELEVISION SERIES IN CHINA FOR CHINA AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETS. This seminar program will take you into the world of animation creation and content production whether for television, feature films, internet, cell phone, or live performances. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Co-production deals. Are you ready for an USA China co-production deal and all that it entails? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Essential partner considerations you must understand. • Type of animation companies to choose from. • Does city matter? • Analysis of project viability • Does history of partner deals matter or their understanding of international branding? • Censorship issues and Government barriers • What about talent? We will discuss in detail deals with Chinese talent versus American and the effect that choice has on the markets and investors in China. • Do you understand the depth, or lack of, internet skill sets in China and what they are themselves producing? • How good is their talent and how much knowledge and depth do they have? • What are demands of the Investors? • Will the Chinese Government invest with you? • Will private investors invest with you? • What does a co-investment deal look like? • Does timing matter? Is this the right time for your venture in China? • Are you ready to offer your content to 1.4 billion people? • What are the Costs and projected revenues? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Case studies to learn from 27. ADVERTISING TO 1.4 BILLION PEOPLE IN CHINAINE, RADIO, TELEVISION, BUSES, BILLBOARDS & NEWSPRINT, DERSTANDING: Advertising in China is a huge undertaking with lots of twists and turns but when you are targeting 1.4 billion people hand on for the ride. This TMC seminar will analyze and suggest best practices and cost effective maneuvers only two decades of business will know What is the most effective use of your money and time? o Television o Internet o Cell phones o Buses o Billboards o Radio o News print • Different Laws and regulations per industry • Misrepresentations • Government controls and media • Culture issues • Translations • Censorship • Campaign timing • Power structures local and central. • Media partners and strategic alliances that are mandatory • Secret media deals the insiders know about • How to create a brand for a few plane tickets and some lunches! • China is unique unto itself so the opportunities are immense! 28. TAKE YOUR ART EXHIBITIONS TO CHINA OR PROMOTE THEIRS TO THE USA. This seminar program will take you into the world of artists and painters but from unique angles targeting the 1.4 billion consumers in China. This TMC event targets all those involved with artists/painters including the artists/painters, galleries, investors, and all those wishing to sell art into the China market space or develop China partners to distribute their art. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Who are the galleries? Do you care which ones? • What are Chinese art collectors looking for? • Does price matter? • Do cities matter? • Who distributes foreign art into China? • What about customs issues and vat taxes? • Do you need partners in China? What type? What terms? • What are the differences with China artists as compared to American and which do the Chinese prefer? Why? • Do the Chinese want your art style? • Can you exhibit in China and what are the costs and timing? • What do the Chinese know about foreign art? • What are demands of the Investors who might like to sponsor you? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Will the Chinese Government allow you to bring your art there? • What are the sales revenues you can anticipate? • What about licensing your art, how, why, where? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Analysis of project viability • Case studies to learn from 29. DEVELOPING, PRODUCING, AND LICENSING ELECTRONIC GAMES & SOFTWARE TO THE CHINESE MARKETS? This seminar is very unique and targets those with entertainment and software development interests to see whether your content can be developed and sold into the China markets. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Co-production deals. Are you ready for an USA China co-production deal and all that it entails? • Essential partner considerations you must understand. • What about talent? We will discuss in detail deals with Chinese talent versus American or European and the effect that choice has on the markets and investors in China. • How good is their talent and how much knowledge and depth do they have? • What are demands of the Investors? • Will the Chinese Government invest with you? • Will private investors invest with you? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • What does a co-investment deal look like? • Does timing matter? Is this the right time for your venture in China? • Are you ready to take your show on a tour of 1.4 billion people? • What are the Costs and revenues? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Analysis of project viability • Case studies to learn from 30. DEVELOPING, PRODUCING AND LICENSING AMERICAN COMICS TO THE CHINESE MARKETS This seminar program will take you into the world live performances in China and will cover many industries including musicals, rock concerts, pop music, live television events, live theater/plays. This event is very unique and targets those with entertainment and theatrical drive to see whether your show can be developed, toured, and launched in the world’s largest consumer market. Some key areas TMC will cover include: • Co-production deals. Are you ready for an USA China co-production deal and all that it entails? • Essential partner considerations you must understand. • What about talent? We will discuss in detail deals with Chinese talent versus American or European and the effect that choice has on the markets and investors in China. • How good is their talent and how much knowledge and depth do they have? • What are demands of the Investors? • I.P. valuation is critical especially with any transfer agreements. • Will the Chinese Government invest with you? • Will private investors invest with you? • What does a co-investment deal look like? • Does timing matter? Is this the right time for your venture in China? • Are you ready to take your show on a tour of 1.4 billion people? • What are the Costs and revenues? • Getting paid and royalty issues to deal with. • Copyrights, trademarks, and infringements • Chinese Culture considerations for success. • Analysis of project viability • Case studies to learn from Sign up today! |